Where does the money go?
Fundraising has become a necessary part of school funding. PAC funds go back into the classroom for field trips, additional supplies, and several educational programs like Art Literacy, Lego Engineering, and Biztown. In years past, some accrued savings were used to purchase two carts of IPads for teachers and students to make use of technology within their classrooms. If you are interested in helping determine how PAC funds are spent, you are welcome to attend PAC meetings and contribute your ideas.
Fundraising Opportunities
It is easy to participate in our fundraising programs. Take a look at the simple ways we can all make a difference. It's not difficult or time consuming - it just makes 'cents'!
Primary Fundraisers: Archer Glen PAC has two main fundraisers during the year. Approximately 85% of the PAC funds are raised with these two events. They both require a lot of time and man-power. If you are interested in helping with these events, please click on the event for more details.
Five-Minute Favorites: These on-going opportunities only take a few minutes to set-up or plan for and the school reaps the benefits all year long. For more details, please check out 5 Min Faves.
Other Opportunities: These opportunities are a great way to help your school with minimal effort.
Fundraising has become a necessary part of school funding. PAC funds go back into the classroom for field trips, additional supplies, and several educational programs like Art Literacy, Lego Engineering, and Biztown. In years past, some accrued savings were used to purchase two carts of IPads for teachers and students to make use of technology within their classrooms. If you are interested in helping determine how PAC funds are spent, you are welcome to attend PAC meetings and contribute your ideas.
Fundraising Opportunities
It is easy to participate in our fundraising programs. Take a look at the simple ways we can all make a difference. It's not difficult or time consuming - it just makes 'cents'!
Primary Fundraisers: Archer Glen PAC has two main fundraisers during the year. Approximately 85% of the PAC funds are raised with these two events. They both require a lot of time and man-power. If you are interested in helping with these events, please click on the event for more details.
- Fun Run (September) : Kids collect pledges and run as many laps as possible in 25 minutes.
- Carnival (April): There is fun for all at the carnival booths and auction.
Five-Minute Favorites: These on-going opportunities only take a few minutes to set-up or plan for and the school reaps the benefits all year long. For more details, please check out 5 Min Faves.
- Amazon Smile: Designate Archer Glen when shopping on Amazon Smile to earn money for our school.
- Electronics recycling: drop your old printer cartridges and cell phones in the boxes by the cafeteria.
- Boxtops for Education: Clip the boxtop off hundreds of grocery items and send in to the school. Archer Glen get 10 cents for each one.
Other Opportunities: These opportunities are a great way to help your school with minimal effort.
- Dinner Nights On a specified night, eat dinner out and the restaurant’s profit are donated to Archer Glen.
More About the BudgetEvery spring, the PAC prepares a budget for the next school year based on an evaluation of income and expenses for the current and recent years and any known upcoming changes. A copy of the 2016-17 school year budget is attached to the right.
EXPENSES: Where does it go? The current budget separates expenses into five categories: Grants, Community, Enrichment, Operations, and Recognition. INCOME: Where does it come from? In general, there are three types of income: Primary Events-87%, Rebates-7%, Sales-6%. The largest source of income for PAC is by far the Fun Run which accounts for approximately 66% of the entire budget. Since it occurs in September, it is primarily designated for the classroom and teacher line items in the budget. (Please note the line item for Fun Run Disbursements is a clerical designation and does not quantify all Fun Run monies). SURPLUS VS SHORTFALL: What happens when the estimate is wrong? Well, an estimate is just that, an estimate. At each PAC meeting the finances are reviewed and upcoming expenses and requests are evaluated in light of where the balance is at. In recent years, the generosity of Archer Glen families and the focus of PAC to cut unnecessary costs has resulted in a consistent annual surplus. This surplus is usually applied towards a short or long-term goal, such as the new iPad carts this year. A great way to increase the surplus that doesn't require more of your money, is to utilize the Five Minute Favorites for the money you already spend on regular grocery shopping and date nights (dinner out and pizza for the kids). If you are interested in helping determine where Archer Glen monies are spent, please join us at the PAC meetings. If you would like further information on the budget, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]. |